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Suki Rubber Products

Pattern “Kinara has supported me throughout. When I paid off my first loan, I was able to apply for another one and keep growing my business.”

Geetha was able to use the collateral-free HerVikas loans she received from Kinara to upgrade to three machines, giving her business the boost it needed.

When opportunity knocks, you should open the door. Geetha did just that when the rubber factory she worked for offered to bring her orders if she started her own business. After starting out as a worker at the factory, she suddenly became a proud business owner when she started Suki Rubber Products, which makes rubber used in automobiles, mills and pump manufacturing. At the outset, she had 4 women workers, but Geetha and her husband worked hard to add machinery and expand the business.

Opportunity presented itself again when one of her machine dealers told Geetha about Kinara Capital. With a loan from Kinara, she was able to buy another machine. With her business thriving, she was able to quickly pay off her loan and apply for another. “We took another loan and added one more machine. Now that we have upgraded to three machines, business is thriving. We are very happy,” she shared.

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