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Sivachandra R.

Sri Aarusuvai Food Products

Pattern “We took the loan and two subsequent ones from Kinara for buying machinery, which have been very helpful in running our business successfully”

With Kinara’s support, Sivachandra was able to expand her ready-to-cook food manufacturing business, and create jobs for 12 other women

One of Kinara’s core missions is to help women entrepreneurs grow their businesses. We do this through our HerVikas program, which provides discounted business loans to women who run small businesses. Sivachandra, who has been running Sri Aarusuvai Food Products, a ready-to-cook food manufacturing company, for 10 years, was able to make the most of this opportunity.

She found out about Kinara from a friend, and was able to get her first loan in 2018 to buy machinery. Subsequently, she took two more loans and was also a beneficiary of Kinara’s Covid Relief Loan. Now her business is thriving, supported by her husband and son, and she has been able to create 13 jobs, 12 of which have gone to women. She shares, "My friend had already taken a machinery loan from Kinara, and it came highly recommended. The loans have been very helpful in buying and installing new machines, and running our business successfully.”

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