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Ponnumony Kennedy

KVS Engineering Works

Pattern “Because I received timely help from Kinara Capital, I was able to deliver my orders on time and keep up the growth momentum of my business.”

Kennedy wanted to take his small business to the next level, and with Kinara’s help, he was able to complete projects billed at over Rs. 50 lakhs.

One of the hurdles that small business entrepreneurs face in scaling up their businesses is running out of capital when trying to deliver orders. Cash flows are an issue that small enterprises struggle with, because their inflows are uncertain, and payments often get held up. In such cases, even bigger orders might end up going unservices, because they fall short of the money needed to buy materials and fund operations.

Ponnumony Kennedy found himself in such a situation when he started receiving big orders. He had started KVS Engineering Works in 1991 as a small business with just two workers. Initially he earned Rs. 1,000-2,000 per day, but then he slowly started to scale up his business and began fabrication work in 2005. As his business gew, he received several big-ticket orders, but didn’t have enough capital to service them. Around this time, a Kinara representative approached him, and Kennedy saw the perfect opportunity to address his funding needs. He got the help he needed, and his business has since evolved into a thriving company with growing order inflows. He shared, “Kinara sanctioned a loan of Rs 8 lakhs within a week, and with that amount, I was able to deliver work for a billing amount Rs.50 lakhs.Because I received timely help from Kinara Capital, I was able to deliver my orders on time and keep up the growth momentum of my business. Thank you, Kinara Capital!”

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Veera Raghava Reddy

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