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Sri Sai Candles

Pattern “Small factories like ours simply can't get a loan from banks. With Kinara Capital, you don’t even have to go anywhere, they come to you!”

With a working capital and an asset purchase loan from Kinara, Vishwanathan was able to grow his candle manufacturing business by 40%.

One gripe that most small business entrepreneurs in India have is that banks don’t consider them good enough to lend to. Many tell stories of going from lender to lender seeking a business loan, only to be turned away for one reason or another. This was the case with Vishwanathan, who runs Sri Sai Candles, a candle manufacturing business.

While he had had more than his share of rejections from banks because his factory was a small one, he was delighted when Kinara came to his doorstep. The process was simple and easy, with documents being collected from him and Kinara’s representatives guiding him through the loan process. He shared, “With Kinara Capital, if your papers are correct, then you get a loan easily and fast. There is no hassle. There is no one asking for a commission to approve the loan. With Kinara, no one has asked me for even one rupee. Everyone from the executives to the managers at Kinara Capital speak respectfully with us and are clear in their communication. Kinara Capital is good to everyone! With their support, my business grew over 40%!"

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Iswarya and Mohan Babu

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