Time to upgrade your inventory: Avail of Equipment Financing Loans

May 23, 2024
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Inventory refers to the goods or materials that a business holds for the purpose of resale or production. It includes raw materials, work-in-progress products, and finished goods that a company keeps in stock. Inventory is an important component of many businesses, particularly those involved in manufacturing, retailing, and distribution.

What is Inventory Management?

Inventory management is a critical function of a business, as it directly impacts the profitability and cash flow of the company. Proper inventory management involves maintaining an optimal level of inventory that balances the costs of holding inventory against the potential benefits of having sufficient stock to meet customer demand. Excessive inventory levels can tie up cash and increase storage costs, while insufficient inventory levels can result in stockouts, lost sales, and dissatisfied customers.

Inventory management involves monitoring and controlling the flow of goods to ensure that there is enough inventory to meet customer demand but not so much that it results in excess or obsolete stock. Effective inventory management can help businesses reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, and increase profitability.

To manage inventory effectively, businesses use various inventory management techniques, such as just-in-time (JIT) inventory, economic order quantity (EOQ), and material requirements planning (MRP). JIT inventory is a system in which materials or products are received only when they are needed, thereby reducing inventory levels and associated costs. EOQ is a method of determining the optimal order quantity that minimises total inventory costs, while MRP is a planning system that ensures that the right materials are available at the right time to support production.

In addition to managing inventory levels, small businesses also need to monitor inventory turnover, which is the rate at which inventory is sold and replaced. High inventory turnover is generally desirable, as it indicates that inventory is being sold quickly and efficiently, while low inventory turnover can be a sign of excess inventory or slow sales.

Effective inventory management is crucial for businesses to maintain profitability, optimise cash flow, and meet customer demand. By using the right inventory management techniques and monitoring inventory levels and turnover, businesses can achieve these goals and remain competitive in their respective markets.

Inventory Management Tips for MSMEs

Effective inventory management is critical for MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in India, as they often have limited resources and face stiff competition. Here are some strategies that MSMEs can use to manage their inventory effectively:

Regularly Monitor Inventory Levels

MSMEs should keep track of their inventory levels regularly to avoid stockouts and excess inventory. This can be done using inventory management software or through manual record-keeping.

Forecast Demand

MSMEs should forecast demand for their products and adjust inventory levels accordingly. This can be done by analysing sales data, seasonal trends, and market conditions.

Implement Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory System

JIT inventory is a system in which materials or products are received only when they are needed, thereby reducing inventory levels and associated costs. MSMEs can implement JIT inventory to minimise their inventory holding costs.

Use Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method

MSMEs can use the EOQ method to determine the optimal order quantity that minimises total inventory costs. This can help them optimise their ordering and holding costs.

Prioritise Inventory

MSMEs should prioritise their inventory based on its importance and demand. This can help them manage their inventory more efficiently and ensure that critical items are always in stock.

Develop Supplier Relationships

MSMEs should develop strong relationships with their suppliers to ensure the timely delivery of materials and products. This can help them manage their inventory levels effectively and avoid stockouts.

Conduct Regular Inventory Audits

MSMEs should conduct regular inventory audits to ensure that inventory levels are accurate and up-to-date. This can help them identify and address inventory discrepancies, such as lost or stolen inventory.

By implementing the above-mentioned strategies, MSMEs in India can manage their inventory more effectively and improve their profitability and competitiveness in the market.

Equipment Financing

Equipment financing is a type of financing that allows businesses to acquire equipment or machinery without paying for it upfront. Instead, the business obtains financing from a lender, which provides the funds needed to purchase the equipment. The business then repays the lender over time, typically with interest.

Equipment financing can be used to acquire a wide range of equipment, including manufacturing, construction, office, and transportation. It can be structured in different ways, such as a loan or lease, depending on the needs of the business.

A loan for equipment financing involves borrowing a lump sum of money from a lender to purchase the equipment. The business makes monthly payments to the lender, which include both principal and interest. Once the loan is fully repaid, the business owns the equipment outright.

Leasing for equipment financing involves the business making regular payments to the lender for the use of the equipment over a set period. At the end of the lease, the business may have the option to purchase the equipment or return it to the lender.

Equipment financing can be beneficial for businesses that need to acquire expensive equipment but lack the capital to purchase it outright. It allows businesses to spread the cost of the equipment over time, which can help to manage cash flow and preserve working capital. Additionally, equipment financing may offer tax benefits, as the interest and depreciation expenses associated with the equipment may be tax deductible.

Equipment Financing for Inventory Management

Equipment financing can be used for inventory management by helping businesses to buy the equipment needed to manage their inventory more effectively. Here are some ways in which MSMEs can use equipment financing for inventory management:

Purchase Inventory Management Software

Inventory management software can help businesses to track inventory levels, monitor stock movements, and optimise inventory management. Small businesses can use equipment financing to purchase inventory management software, which can help businesses to improve their inventory management capabilities.

Acquire Storage Equipment

Storage equipment, such as shelving, pallet racks, and bins, can help businesses to organise their inventory and maximise storage space. Equipment financing can help MSMEs purchase storage equipment, which can help businesses to improve their inventory management and reduce storage costs.

Invest in Material Handling Equipment

Material handling equipment, such as forklifts, conveyors, and pallet jacks, can help businesses to move inventory more efficiently and reduce the risk of damage or loss. Small business entrepreneurs can also utilise equipment financing to acquire material handling equipment, which can help businesses to improve their inventory management and reduce labour costs.

Implement Barcoding or RFID Technology

Barcoding or Radio Frequency Identification (RFID ) technology can help businesses to track inventory movements and monitor stock levels more accurately. Therefore, MSMEs can invest in barcoding or RFID technology using equipment financing, which can help them improve their inventory management and reduce errors.

Upgrade Point-of-Sale (POS) Systems

Upgrading POS systems can help businesses to manage inventory more effectively by tracking sales, monitoring stock levels, and identifying popular products. In addition, upgrading POS systems using equipment financing can help businesses to streamline their inventory management and increase sales.

Equipment financing can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve their inventory management capabilities. By investing in the right equipment and technology, businesses can optimise their inventory management, reduce costs, and improve profitability.

MSMEs Benefitting from Equipment Financing to Manage Their Inventory

MSMEs can benefit from equipment financing to manage inventory in several ways:

Improved Cash Flow Management

Equipment financing allows MSMEs to acquire the equipment needed to manage their inventory without paying for it upfront. This can help to improve cash flow management by preserving working capital and allowing businesses to allocate their financial resources more effectively.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Investing in equipment, such as inventory management software, material handling equipment, and storage equipment, can help MSMEs to manage their inventory more efficiently and reduce the risk of errors and losses. This can help to increase productivity and reduce labour costs, which will eventually improve profitability.

Reduced Maintenance and Repair Costs

Equipment financing can include maintenance and repair services, which can reduce the long-term costs associated with maintaining and repairing inventory management equipment.

Tax Benefits

The interest and depreciation expenses associated with equipment financing may be tax deductible, which can provide MSMEs with a tax benefit and reduce their overall tax liability.

Competitive Advantage

MSMEs that invest in the equipment needed to manage their inventory more effectively can gain a competitive advantage by improving their operational efficiency and reducing costs. This can help to increase profitability and differentiate the business from its competitors.

Equipment financing can provide MSMEs with the financial resources needed to acquire the equipment and technology required to manage inventory more effectively. By doing so, MSMEs can improve their operational efficiency, reduce costs, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Equipment Financing Loans from Kinara Capital

Kinara Capital helps small business owners in India by driving financial inclusion for them, which improves their lives and livelihoods, as well as the local economies they are part of. For their business needs, Kinara offers the best asset purchase loans on a reducing rate basis. The interest rates begin at 24% annually and the tenure ranges from 12 to 60 months. 

Small business owners can avail asset purchase loans to buy new or old machines, assets and equipment. Kinara, till date has served more than 50,000 happy customers who have expanded their business and reached new heights by availing asset purchase loans.

To avail asset purchase loans, small business owners can check their business loan eligibility in under 1-minute in the myKinara app, which is available to download from the Google Playstore and on the website. Upon clearing the eligibility criteria and submitting the minimum required documents, the loan amount is transferred to the applicants bank account. For further assistance in 7 vernacular languages across 4500+ pincodes, loan officers get in touch with the customers and assist them through the process.


MSMEs are the backbone of many economies around the world and play a crucial role in driving innovation, creating jobs, and fueling economic growth. However, as small and medium-sized businesses, they often face financial constraints that can limit their ability to invest in the equipment and technology needed to compete with larger companies. This is where equipment financing can be particularly valuable for MSMEs, providing them with access to the capital needed to acquire inventory management equipment, improve their operational efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage. By enabling MSMEs to acquire the equipment and technology they need without depleting their working capital, equipment financing can help them to preserve their financial resources and allocate them more effectively.

Moreover, as businesses continue to face unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, equipment financing can play a critical role in helping MSMEs adapt and thrive in the new normal. By investing in the right equipment and technology, MSMEs can pivot to new business models, explore new markets, and remain competitive in an ever-changing landscape.

In short, equipment financing can be a powerful tool for MSMEs looking to manage inventory more effectively, reduce costs, and improve profitability. By leveraging this financing option, MSMEs can overcome financial constraints, optimise inventory management processes, and achieve growth and expansion goals.

To conclude, equipment financing can be a powerful tool for MSMEs looking to improve their inventory management capabilities. By providing financial resources to acquire the equipment and technology required to manage inventory more effectively, MSMEs can optimise their inventory management processes, reduce costs, and gain a competitive advantage in the market. With improved cash flow management, increased efficiency and productivity, reduced maintenance and repair costs, and potential tax benefits, equipment financing can be a game-changer for MSMEs looking to grow and succeed in today’s dynamic business environment. Therefore, MSMEs should consider equipment financing as an option to enhance their inventory management and overall business operations.

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