Customer Success Story: Jannat Couture

May 7, 2024
Updated on

Initial financing is a pivotal cornerstone, especially for women small business entrepreneurs, as it transforms dreams into reality. For women entering the entrepreneurial arena, initial funding is more than just capital; it’s a means to shatter gender barriers and overcome biases. Often facing challenges in securing traditional funding due to systemic biases, initial financing propels women’s innovative ideas, enabling economic empowerment and dismantling stereotypes.

The path of entrepreneurship is laden with challenges. This is where continued financing support plays a crucial role. Setbacks, which are inevitable, can be particularly daunting for women entrepreneurs due to societal factors. Ongoing financial support acts as a safety net, helping navigate these challenges and pivot in response to unforeseen circumstances. Moreover, it empowers women to seize unexpected opportunities, fostering innovation and expansion.

This is where Kinara Capital comes in. Recognizing the journey’s evolution, Kinara provides women entrepreneurs with sustained financing support through HerVikas loans, which becomes an investment in both business resilience and women’s potential. It symbolizes the company’s commitment to levelling the playing field, fostering inclusive economic growth, and amplifying the broader impact of women entrepreneurs.

In essence, initial and continued financing from Kinara together underpin the transformative journey of women entrepreneurs, igniting their potential and driving lasting change.

Introduction: Jannat Couture

Pooja Patel from Surat started her entrepreneurial journey with Jannat Couture in 2018. As her business began to take shape and aspirations soared, Pooja found herself in need of a Working Capital Loan amounting to Rs. 2 lakhs in 2021. This financial injection was pivotal for her to capitalise on emerging opportunities, fuel growth, and sustain operations.

However, the road to securing this funding proved to be an arduous one. Despite approaching traditional banks, Pooja encountered a series of disappointing rejections that threatened to stall her progress.

Kinara Capital became her saviour after facing multiple rejections from banks. Kinara not only offered exceptional service but also met her capital needs as a woman entrepreneur at a critical juncture. Within a mere two days, her loan was sanctioned and promptly disbursed.

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A New Impetus

In the midst of Pooja’s uphill battle, Kinara’s support became a turning point. More than just a financial institution, Kinara served as a beacon of support and empowerment for her. Beyond the numbers, they recognized the potential and determination in her entrepreneurial pursuit. In a timely and transformative intervention, Kinara not only provided the much-needed working capital but also shattered the barriers that had previously hindered Pooja’s progress as a woman entrepreneur.

He secured a Working Capital Loan of Rs. 2 lakhs from Kinara in 2021. The company not only offered exceptional service but also met her capital needs as a woman entrepreneur at a critical juncture. Within a mere two days, her loan was sanctioned and promptly disbursed. Strategically utilizing the funds, Pooja expanded her business. With two machines before, she now operates seven or eight, boosting her workforce and seamlessly managing both retail and wholesale segments.

Kinara’s support enabled Pooja to initiate an online business post-lockdowns, demonstrating her adept financing usage. Her boutique now employs 10 individuals, fostering women’s empowerment in entrepreneurship. Pooja’s success story is a testament to how access to timely and supportive financing can transform entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

Larger impact of Kinara’s support

The influx of capital proved to be a turning point for Pooja and Jannat Couture. Armed with the necessary resources, Pooja strategically expanded her business horizons. What was once a modest venture now thrived with vitality and ambition. The two machines she had previously operated had grown into a fleet of seven or eight, a testament to her newfound ability to manage both the retail and wholesale facets of her enterprise seamlessly.

The catalytic support from Kinara empowered Pooja to pivot her business strategy in response to the challenging circumstances posed by the pandemic. Adapting to the new normal, she initiated an online business platform that not only sustained her brand during lockdowns but also showcased her adeptness at leveraging financial resources to pivot and thrive in adversity.

Pooja is among thousands of entrepreneurs who have benefited from Kinara’s loans. If you are a small business entrepreneur, it’s time to get your growth journey started with Kinara Capital. To get a business loan for your small business, check your loan eligibility in 1 minute in the myKinara App by downloading it from the Google Play Store, with 7 language options available, choose your preferred vernacular. Also, we have a dedicated customer support team available between Monday – Friday (9.30 AM – 6.00 PM) at our toll free number 1800-103-2683 for any questions or assistance. This ensures that entrepreneurs can get the help they need throughout the loan process.

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