Turnovers and Trading: Here’s What you need to Know about the New Classification of MSMEs

May 23, 2024
Updated on

As per the MSME Act 2006, MSMEs were classified according to the amount of capital invested in plant and machinery. Micro enterprises were described as manufacturing businesses with an investment of less than Rs. 25 lakhs and service enterprises with an investment of less than Rs. 10 lakhs. Similarly, the investment limit for small-scale manufacturing businesses was set at Rs. 5 crores, while the limit for service businesses was set at Rs. 2 crores. Any enterprises with investments above this threshold will be classified as medium-sized businesses.

What Is MSME Turnover Limit?

The MSME Turnover Limit refers to the maximum annual revenue threshold set for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to qualify for various benefits and incentives offered by the government. These limits are established to categorize businesses based on their turnover and provide targeted support to enterprises at different stages of growth. As of recent updates, the MSME Turnover Limit in India has undergone revisions to accommodate the evolving economic landscape and the changing needs of small businesses. The turnover limits are periodically reviewed and adjusted to ensure that MSMEs continue to receive adequate assistance and opportunities for growth.

Understanding the MSME Turnover Limit is crucial for businesses seeking to leverage the benefits associated with MSME classification. By staying within the prescribed turnover thresholds, companies can access preferential treatment in terms of financial assistance, subsidies, and procurement preferences. Moreover, compliance with the MSME Turnover Limit enables businesses to participate in government schemes aimed at promoting entrepreneurship, fostering innovation, and enhancing competitiveness in the market. As such, adhering to the turnover limits not only unlocks opportunities for MSMEs but also contributes to the overall economic development of the country.

According to the revised MSME Act 2020, the classification of MSMEs will now be based on their annual turnover. The Government has approved the revised definition of MSMEs in the country. The MSME sector will now be classified based on turnover as well as plant and machinery valuation.

Here is the classification of MSMEs as per the MSME Act 2020:

  • Micro units – Investments up to Rs. 1 crore, and turnover of less than 5 crores.
  • Small unit – Investment up to Rs. 10 crores, and turnover of less than Rs. 50 crores.
  • Medium unit – Investments up to Rs. 50 crores, and turnover of less than Rs. 250 crores.

In both the Manufacturing and Service sectors, MSME classification combines investment in plant and machinery/equipment with annual turnover.

Business TypesInvestment and Turnover Under the Revised Definition
MicroInvestment: Not more than ₹1 crore
Turnover: Not more than ₹5 crores
SmallInvestment: Not more than ₹10 crores
Turnover: Not more than ₹50 crores
MediumInvestment: Not more than ₹50 crores
Turnover: Not more than ₹250 crores

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Features and Role of the New MSME Classification in India

The new MSME classification in India introduces several features aimed at simplifying and streamlining the process for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). One of the key components of this classification is the MSME turnover limit, which determines the categorization of enterprises based on their annual turnover.

  • Simplified Criteria: Streamlined classification based on turnover and investment.
  • Inclusion of Turnover: Recognizes turnover alongside investment for categorization.
  • Flexibility: Allows for fair representation, especially for high-turnover, low-investment enterprises.
  • Gradual Transition: Smooth phase-in period to adapt to the new criteria.

Role of the New MSME Classification in India

  • Access to Benefits: Ensures eligibility for government incentives, procurement preferences, and support schemes.
  • Facilitates Growth: Encourages expansion and innovation without fear of losing benefits.
  • Enhanced Credit Flow: Enables accurate assessment for increased credit access.
  • Data-driven Policy: Provides reliable data for targeted policymaking and interventions.

Impact of MSME classification on Business Loan

The new MSME classification significantly impacts access to MSME loans, playing a pivotal role in the borrowing process for small and medium enterprises.

  • Improved Eligibility: Accurate classification under the new criteria enhances eligibility for MSME loans, as lenders often use classification as a basis for loan approvals.
  • Lower Interest Rates: MSME loans typically come with preferential interest rates and relaxed eligibility criteria, making them more accessible to classified enterprises.
  • Streamlined Application: Clear classification simplifies the loan application process, reducing paperwork and turnaround time for loan approvals.
  • Increased Credit Access: The updated classification system ensures that deserving MSMEs have better access to credit facilities, facilitating business growth and expansion.

How MSME Classification Works in Kinara Capital?

In Kinara Capital, businesses are classified based on their annual turnover. Before, they were classified by the money invested in machinery, but now turnover is also considered. This new way helps businesses get resources for upgrades with a spending limit of up to Rs 50 crores. If a business exports, that income doesn’t count towards turnover, which is suitable for businesses going global while still being considered MSMEs.

Kinara Capital is great for small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) because it offers loans up to Rs. 30 lakhs for manufacturing, trading, and services. They give out money quickly with minimal paperwork so that businesses can get funds within 24 hours. Kinara Capital has particular loans like working capital and Machinery Loans tailored to different needs. They even have a loan scheme called HerVikas for women entrepreneurs. Kinara Capital uses technology to make the loan process easy and provides customer support in local languages, making it easier for businesses to get the financial help they need.


In conclusion, the introduction of the new MSME classification system in India marks a significant step towards simplifying and empowering small and medium enterprises. By incorporating turnover criteria and streamlining the classification process, the system enhances MSMEs’ access to benefits, incentives, and credit facilities. This not only fosters business growth and expansion but also drives economic development and job creation. The impact of the new classification extends beyond administrative ease, facilitating a more inclusive and supportive environment for entrepreneurs and innovators across the country. With a focus on flexibility, fairness, and data-driven policy formulation, the new MSME classification system paves the way for a vibrant and resilient MSME sector, contributing to India’s journey towards sustainable and inclusive growth.


What are the reasons for the change in MSME definition?

The MSME definition was changed to align with market conditions and provide more realistic thresholds for businesses. The revision aimed to facilitate ease of doing business and encourage growth in the MSME sector.

What is the new rule of MSME?

The new rule for MSME classification is based on both investments in plant and machinery as well as turnover. Micro, small, and medium enterprises are now categorized based on specific investment and turnover limits.

How can MSMEs determine their classification under the new criteria?

MSMEs can determine their classification by evaluating their investment in plant and machinery and their annual turnover against the revised limits set by the government.

Is there any assistance available for MSMEs in understanding and implementing the new classification?

Yes, there is assistance available for MSMEs to comprehend and implement the new classification. The Ministry of MSMEs has established a robust support system called Champions to help MSMEs and new entrepreneurs with queries and guidance.

Can MSMEs change their classification if their turnover or trading status changes?

MSMEs can change their classification if their turnover or trading status changes and falls outside the limits specified for their current category.

What steps should MSMEs take to ensure compliance with the new classification?

MSMEs should review their financial records, assess their turnover and investment figures, and ensure they meet the criteria outlined in the revised MSME classification to maintain compliance.

Are there any transitional provisions for MSMEs to adapt to the new classification?

No specific details have been provided regarding transitional provisions for MSMEs to adapt to the new classification. MSMEs are advised to adhere to the updated guidelines promptly.

Are there any penalties for non-compliance with the new classification?

The search results do not mention any specific penalties for non-compliance with the new MSME classification. However, MSMES must adhere to the revised guidelines to avoid any potential repercussions.

What are the new guidelines for MSMEs in 2024?

The new guidelines for MSMEs in 2024 include a 45-day payment rule for MSMEs, aiming to alleviate financial stress for these businesses. This rule ensures timely payments to suppliers and vendors, contributing to the financial stability of MSMEs.

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