Customer Success Story: Satya Sai Engineering Works

May 23, 2024
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Entrepreneurship possesses an incredible potential to bring about transformative changes in the lives of individuals, especially small business owners. It often presents them with opportunities for enhanced financial prosperity that surpass the limitations of conventional employment. By embracing entrepreneurship, individuals can embark on a path that empowers them to create their own destinies, build wealth, and shape their personal and professional lives according to their vision and aspirations.

Unlike traditional employment, where individuals work for others and are subject to fixed salaries and limited growth prospects, entrepreneurship opens up a world of possibilities. Small business owners have the liberty to establish their own ventures, pursue innovative ideas, and tap into new markets. This autonomy enables them to fully harness their skills, knowledge, and creativity, allowing for a more rewarding and fulfilling journey.

Financial success often accompanies entrepreneurship, as it provides individuals with the potential to generate higher income levels compared to being employed by someone else. By taking calculated risks, making strategic decisions, and leveraging their unique offerings, entrepreneurs can reap the benefits of their hard work and dedication. One crucial aspect that small business owners need to make these aspirations a reality is consistent financing support from a reliable source. This is where Kinara Capital comes in, providing easy access to capital through its collateral-free business loans for MSMEs.

Introduction: Satya Sai Engineering Works

Sathi Babu started his business, Satya Sai Engineering Works, in 2014. Prior to that, he had struggled with a monthly salary of Rs. 10,000, which was insufficient to support his household. Determined to improve his financial situation, he took the step of venturing into entrepreneurship. With an initial investment of Rs. 2 lakh from his own pocket, Sathi Babu started his business with just one employee.

At the outset, his monthly turnover was around Rs. 30,000. Despite the slow growth, Sathi Babu aimed for further improvement and expansion. It was during this time that a friend recommended Kinara Capital as a potential source of collateral-free business loans. 

Grow your MSME with collateral-free business loans

Remarkable Impact

Sathi Babu approached Kinara, and the representatives visited his shop, quickly assessed his requirements, and granted him a loan of Rs. 5 lakhs. With this additional capital, he invested in new machinery and expanded his workforce to 8 employees. The impact was remarkable, as his turnover rapidly grew to Rs. 3 lakhs per month. In 2017, he once again turned to Kinara and secured his second loan of Rs. 5 lakhs, which he invested in purchasing additional machinery. His business is thriving, and his turnover stands at Rs. 5 lakhs, with a profit of Rs. 3 lakhs.

He shares, “Kinara Capital has made it possible to turn my dreams into reality. Their collateral-free loans allowed me to expand my business, achieve remarkable growth, and even create jobs. I am very happy with my business now and grateful for Kinara’s continued support.”

Larger Impact of Kinara’s Support

Entrepreneurship goes beyond monetary gains. It allows individuals to pursue their passions and turn their ideas into reality. By building their own businesses, entrepreneurs have the freedom to align their work with their personal values and goals. They can create a positive impact in their communities, foster innovation, create employment, and contribute to the overall economic development of their regions.

However, entrepreneurship also comes with its fair share of challenges and risks. Success is not guaranteed, and individuals must be prepared to face obstacles, adapt to uncertainties, and learn from failures. Building a successful business requires resilience, perseverance, and a continuous learning mindset, and having a reliable partner in growth like Kinara Capital makes the process a lot smoother for them.

Sathi Babu is one of the thousands of entrepreneurs who have benefited from Kinara’s loans. If you are a small business entrepreneur, it’s time to get your growth journey started with Kinara Capital. To get a business loan for your small business, check your loan eligibility in 1 minute in the myKinara App by downloading it from the Google Play Store, with 7 language options available, choose your preferred vernacular. Also, we have a dedicated customer support team available between Monday – Friday (9.30 AM – 6.00 PM) at our toll free number 1800-103-2683 for any questions or assistance. This ensures that entrepreneurs can get the help they need throughout the loan process.

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