Customer Success Story: Kanchan Purushottam Sali

May 23, 2024
Updated on

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) customers are an essential segment of any business. While quick and efficient service is undoubtedly important for them, providing a positive experience goes beyond that. It means creating an environment where the customer feels valued, listened to, and appreciated. For Kinara’s MSME clients, the ideal takeaway is more than just getting their needs met quickly and efficiently. The most memorable aspect of their experience is the guidance and confidence they receive from the company’s employees. Kinara’s staff not only offer solutions to their client’s problems but also take the time to understand their needs, offer personalized recommendations, and provide valuable insights.

As a result, Kinara’s MSME clients feel heard, valued, and appreciated. They see Kinara as a partner, not just a service provider. Such a positive experience encourages them to return and recommend Kinara to others. Thus, the overall experience plays a crucial role in building customer loyalty and retention. Kinara’s employees, therefore, play a vital role in creating a positive customer experience. Their empathy, expertise, and willingness to go the extra mile to help clients make a significant impact. By providing guidance and building confidence in their clients, they help them achieve their goals and succeed. This personalized approach fosters a sense of trust and builds a long-term relationship between Kinara and its clients.

Introduction: Kanchan Purushottam Sali

Kishor Purushottam Sali and his wife Kanchan established their eponymous company, Kishor Purushottam Sali, in 2010. Because of the growing demand for textiles made by auto looms, their business quickly took off. 

However, after a few years, the couple realized they required a substantial amount of capital to expand their business. This appeared tough, as Kishor approached many banks and returned empty-handed each time. Around this time, a friend suggested they contact Kinara Capital for a simple, collateral-free business loan.

Grow your MSME with collateral-free business loans

Finding Assurance

Kanchan and Kishor followed their friend’s advice, and Kishor went to the nearest Kinara branch, where he was greeted with swift service and the guarantee that he would receive a business loan. Just two days later, a Kinara representative visited his business and, after reviewing his operations and finances, began the loan procedure. Kinara gave the couple a series of business loans, and supported their business.

Kishor shares, “Kinara issued us the funds we needed to grow very quickly, and we set about expanding our operations. Our company has grown, as have our profits since we received the funding. We used to have ten employees; now we have fourteen, and business is booming. Kinara made all of this possible, and I’ve informed them that their financial assistance has made all the difference for our business.”

Larger impact of Kinara’s support

Kinara Capital’s intervention proved to be a game-changer for Kishor Purushottam Sali and his wife Kanchan’s textile business. After struggling to secure a loan from several banks, Kinara Capital offered a simple, collateral-free business loan that helped them expand their operations. As a result, their company grew exponentially, profits increased, and they were able to employ more people from the local community. This intervention not only positively impacted Sali’s business but also the local economy as a whole. By providing financial assistance to small businesses like Kishor Purushottam Sali, Kinara Capital played a significant role in promoting entrepreneurship and job creation, ultimately contributing to the economic growth of the region.

Kanchan and Kishor are among thousands of entrepreneurs who have benefited from Kinara’s loans. If you are a small business entrepreneur, it’s time to get your growth journey started with Kinara Capital. To get a business loan for your small business, check your loan eligibility in 1 minute in the myKinara App by downloading it from the Google Play Store, with 7 language options available, choose your preferred vernacular. Also, we have a dedicated customer support team available between Monday – Friday (9.30 AM – 6.00 PM) at our toll free number 1800-103-2683 for any questions or assistance. This ensures that entrepreneurs can get the help they need throughout the loan process.

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