Banks or NBFCs, What Should be your Preferred Choice for a Small Business Loan?

June 4, 2024
Updated on

If you are a small business entrepreneur looking for formal credit, you have two options.

To take a small business loan online from a Non-banking Financial Company (NBFCs) or from a bank. However, since getting a bank loan can be difficult and cumbersome for small businesses, many NBFCs are there to support them, making it easier for micro-small-and-medium enterprises (MSMEs) to obtain a small business loan online.

Before taking a loan, it is vital to understand the two financial intermediaries offering them – NBFCs and banks.

What are NBFCs?

  • NBFCs offer banking services without the need for a banking license.
  • NBFCs are privately held financial institutions that the RBI and other government agencies supervise.
  • To provide services similar to banks, NBFCs must abide by the RBI regulations
  • NBFCs cannot accept demand deposits, provide savings accounts, issue cheques drawn on itself, or other functions of the bank except lend capital. 
  • NBFCs play a crucial role in meeting the credit demands of small businesses that are unmet by traditional banks.

What are Banks?

  • A bank is a financial institution that holds a banking license and can accept deposits as well as provide loans.
  • There are several types of scheduled banks, such as central and co-operative banks. And under unscheduled we have Commercial, Small Finance, Payments and other types of banks.
  • Banks are registered under the Banking Regulation Act of 1949, and are regulated by the RBI.

Grow your MSME with collateral-free business loans

Difference between a Bank and an NBFC

Let’s look at the main differences between banks and NBFCs to help you understand which suits your needs better. These entities differ primarily in their regulatory frameworks, scope of services, and operational methods. Banks are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under the Banking Regulation Act. They can accept deposits from and offer a wide range of financial services, including savings accounts and checking accounts, a variety of loans, and investment products.

NBFCs are also regulated by the RBI but under different guidelines. There are some vital differences, like NBFCs not being authorized to accept demand deposits and are primarily focused on providing loans and credit facilities, asset management, and leasing services. While banks are typically more strictly regulated and offer a wider array of services, NBFCs often have more flexibility in their operations and can better cater to underserved segments like MSMEs.

The significant difference between bank and NBFC means that Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) seeking loans should be very careful when choosing one over the other. Business loan from bank have traditionally been more difficult to access for MSMEs. Whereas, business loan from NBFC is far more flexible and easily accessible. Read on to find out the benefits of NBFC loan and why NBFC loan is likely to be the right choice for MSMEs.

How NBFCs have the Edge over Banks for giving a Small Business Loan Online

Faster Processing

Borrowing money from a bank usually entails a lot of paperwork and a lengthy loan application process. Most NBFCs, on the other hand, allow for easy application, approval and disbursement of funds due to their minimal documentation requirements. With tech-enabled NBFCs like Kinara Capital, you will not have to go through any long screening procedures to avail of a small business loan online, and will therefore be able to get funds sooner.

Documentation Requirement

The document requirements for NBFCs can be minimal and flexible. Whereas a bank requires much more proof and documents.

Looking Beyond Credit Scores

Many NBFCs look beyond the credit scores and have a less stringent requirement. Kinara Capital for instance uses technology and data to assess loan applications beyond just the credit score.

Quick Loan Disbursement

There are several benefits of NBFCs. With NBFCs, you can get a loan much quicker than from a bank. With a bank, the loan processing itself can take weeks/months, let alone the loan disbursement.


Both banks and NBFCs have their own sets of pros and cons. But if you are a small company seeking a small business loan online, then choosing an NBFC would be a better option. This is because the loan products offered by NBFCs are better customized to suit the loan requirements of small businesses. NBFCs make great small business lenders because they have a wider reach than banks do at the last mile, and a better understanding of what small businesses need.

When opting for an NBFC loan, be careful to choose the best NBFC for business loan. Kinara Capital is an RBI-registered NBFC that provides collateral-free business loans to small businesses, making it a great option for your credit needs. Moreover, less paperwork, limited documentation, and fast disbursement are some added advantages that you get with Kinara Capital. You can even get started with an eligibility check that only takes 1 minute!


Are the loan approval processes different between banks and NBFCs?

NBFCs like Kinara Capital have a much more flexible and quick approval process thank banks because they use tech-enabled application and decisioning processes

What are the risks associated with getting a business loan from a bank?

There is a high risk of rejection for small businesses when seeking a loan from a bank. In addition to this, banks generally ask for collateral against a loan, which can be seized if you default on the loan.

Can businesses switch between banks and NBFCs for their business loans?

Businesses can seek a loan from both banks and NBFCs, but it is advisable to limit the number of loan enquiries and avoid switching between lenders, as it can affect their credit score.

What factors should businesses consider when choosing between a bank and an NBFC for a business loan?

Businesses should consider the amount of paperwork required, the turnaround time, decisioning process, ease of repayment, and terms and conditions of the loan when choosing between a bank and an NBFC.

How do banks and NBFCs handle loan disbursements for business loans?

Business loans are often disbursed through electronic deposit, sending the amount directly into the bank account of the applicant.

What are the implications of defaulting on a business loan from a bank or NBFC?

Defaults can lead to penalties, and in cases where collateral is involved, it can even result in the asset being seized. Defaulting on a business loan also adversely impacts the credit score of the business or entrepreneur, which can affect their chances of getting a loan in the future.

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